The Exhibit Hall, a space to be surrounded by innovations
Every year the CSF is proud to include the bests companies in the medical industry to support our surgeons to discover new technical ideas and innovating products, while creating a networking space. We can't wait to see you join the best exhibit hall in the Canadian general surgeons field.
List of Exhibitors
Take a look at this year's partners as they have an indispensable role at CSF, they are the ones impacting positively our local medical industry.
Learning Opportunity
Join the innovation rooms and the sponsored symposia's as an additional learning tool, a side of our PG courses and lectures.
CSF Employment Leads
Take your career leads to another level. We have ensembled this one-on-one activity to engage with those active employers.
Interactive Floor Plan
The CSF floor plan has been strategically design so that you can take full advantage of every showcasing space.
Papers & E-Posters Presentations
The abstracts presentation is an important component of the CSF Exhibit Hall. The presentation list is available now.
Interactive & social events
Exhibit Hall will host the CSF Welcome Reception, the Suturing Competition and Surgical Jeopardy.
Enjoy our Exhibit Hall with an excellent breakfast & Lunch

The exhibit hall is open:
Thursday September15, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Friday September 16, 7:00am-3:00am
Saturday September 17, 7:00am-3:00am

CSF 2022 Dates to note:

Call for Abstracts opens February 1
Call for 'Interesting & Challenging' Cases closes March 4
Call for Abstracts closes March 24, 11:59pm EST
Early Bird Registration opens May 17
Notification of abstract acceptances sent Mid-June
Early Bird registration closes August 4, 11:59pm EST
Regular registration opens August 5, 12:00am EST
Host hotel guestroom reservation deadline August 23
Postgraduate courses offered September 14 & 15
CSF scientific programming begins September 16